Informal Observing Session
On Saturday, December 17th some of the members held an informal observing session at Big Woods (Jordan Lake). Club member Brian Reasor, the ALCOR, reports it was a short but decent night for skywatching.
On Saturday, December 17th some of the members held an informal observing session at Big Woods (Jordan Lake). Club member Brian Reasor, the ALCOR, reports it was a short but decent night for skywatching.
On December 9th, the RAC indoor meeting was a club Social. We had a pretty good turnout of club members, guests and visitors who enjoyed the many great tasting items provided by the membership.
November’s Raleigh Astronomy Club Observing Session was a GO! Despite being a holiday weekend, we had a over ten members show up plus two guest observers, including a member from the Chesmont Astronomical Society. The dew was pretty heavy and shut down several observers early. However some late arrivals keep the observing going well past midnight!
Approximately 200 people showed up at the Public Star Gaze held at North Cary Park on the evening of November 12th, 2011. Although the forecast was for clear skies, clouds hampered observing much of the night. However between the over 20 telescopes operated by Raleigh Astronomy Club volunteers, visitors were treated to some great views.
During the November 2011 Indoor Meeting, there were two very special awards presented to Mark and Phyllis Lang for their many years of dedicated service to the Raleigh Astronomy Club. Both Mark and Phyllis have served in both Elected officer and Staff officer roles in the Raleigh Astronomy Club for many years.
Eric Raymer from North Carolina State University gave a terrific introduction to eclipsing binary stars in our November indoor meeting. The presentation started with the basics of what eclipsing binaries are, how we detect them, and showed some of the latest research going on at NCSU.
On Tuesday November 8th, 2011 asteroid 2005 YU55 which is about the size of an aircraft carrier buzzed the Earth within 201,700 miles (324,600 kilometers). As a point of reference, our moon is 238,000 miles away! Even though asteroids of this size pass by Earth frequently, the last time a space rock this large came as close to Earth was in 1976, although astronomers did not know about the flyby at the time. The next such close flyby will take…
Regular checking account activity since 10/10/2011 report: $140.41 to Spectrum Screen Printing for RAC logo clothing orders. $8.67 to Spectrum Screen Printing for RAC logo clothing order. Two deposits totaling $107.23 were made for membership dues and clothing order. $2,075.42——-Regular checking account balance. $10.00——-Special purpose checking account balance. $10,303.12——-Savings account balance. $12,388.54——-Total balance all funds on hand.
Even though poor weather caused the regularly scheduled observing session to be cancelled, we had a great discussion on optics cooling and dew prevention during an informal meeting at the NC Museum of Natural Sciences on Friday Night…
We had a great indoor session this past Friday (October 14, 2011). Dr. Fabian Heitsch of UNC’s Department of Physics and Astronomy gave a fascinating presentation on the Cosmic Distance Ladder starting from the use of parallax to calculate distances within our own solar system, the use of cepheid variable stars and then up to type 1A supernovae.
On Sept. 24th, 2011, my eldest son and I joined up with other amateur astronomers from the Raleigh Astronomy Club (RAC) and the Chapel Hill Astronomical Observing Society (CHAOS) at Staunton River State Park in Virginia (
RAC Treasurer’s Report dated 10/10/2011 Regular checking account activity since 8/10/2011 report: $25.00 refunded to a member for duplicate dues payment. $98.90 to Spectrum Screen Printing – 1st part of payment on clothing order. Four deposits totaling $402.31 were made for membership dues and clothing orders. $2,108.60——Regular checking account balance. $10.00——Special Purpose checking account balance. $10,301.82——Savings account balance. $12,421.28——Total balance all funds on hand.
May 27, 2011 The RACOBS meeting was clouded out. Since this was the Memorial Day weekend, the Museum was operating with a reduced staff so the indoor meeting was cancelled also. A few members met a restaurant in Cameron Village in place of a meeting. June 10, 2011 Regular meeting – Club member Mike Malaska gave a talk entitled “Titan’s Earth-like Landscape.” June 24, 2011 RACOBS – Clouds forced an indoor meeting at the Museum. Jim DellaPenna gave the group…
RAC Treasurer Report dated 8/10/2011 Regular checking account activitysince 6/9/2011 report: $139.97 to Doug Lively for Mark Lang’s gifts for long service. $54.24 to Ian Hewitt for Messier awards. $100.00 to Wachovia for safe deposit box rental. $41.09 to Doug lively for July 8th speaker dinner. One deposit of $72.45 was made for membership dues. $1,830.19———-Regular checking account balance. $10.00———-Special Purpose checking account balance. $10,301.82———-Savings account balance. $12,142.01———-Total balance all funds on hand.
Saturday, June 4th: My 10 PM car count at our Jordan Lake observing site was 11, so at 1-1/2 persons per car we had around 16 or so observers Saturday night.