What Did I See?

What did I see

Looking through a telescope reveals a world of things you have probably never seen before. And going scope to scope you see a lot of these things – and probably forgot the names of half the things. Here are some of the more popular objects we show at our events, depending on what’s best in the sky at the time. You may be curious to learn more about one of the objects you may have seen. Below are some of the objects that we try to feature in our observing sessions, with links to more information. Please note that depending on time of year and conditions, some objects cannot be observed at any particular session.


Name Type Image
Stars and Star Clusters
β Cyg
Double Star
Double cluster Star Clusters
M13 Globular Cluster
M3 Globular Cluster
Ring Nebula Planetary Nebula
Lagoon Nebula Emission Nebula
Andromeda Galaxy Barred Spiral Galaxy
Cigar Galaxy Edge-On Galaxy
Whirlpool Galaxy Colliding Galaxies
Jupiter (and moons)
Saturn (and moons)
Pluto (Minor Planet)

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