
Treasurer’s Report 1-12-2011

This report covers checking account activity since 9/19/2010. There were six checks totaling $461.86 issued as follows: $65.10 to Ian Hewitt for cake & food supplies for the RAC Swap Meet. $158.96 to Jerry Watson for 10 months worth of RAC phone bills. $20.90 to Chuck Jaynes for Astronomy Days privacy & domain names. $96.00 to USPS for annual post office box rent. $100.00 to International Dark Sky Association for annual club dues. $20.90 to Ian Hewitt for Michele Shin speaker…

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October through December 2010 RACOBS Meetings

Oct. 8, 2010  RACOBS.  Weather cooperated so an outdoor observing session was held at BigWoods.  There were 14 RAC members and 6 visitors present.  Some Club members were at the Mid-Atlantic Star Party which held down attendance somewhat.  Sky conditions were good allowing nice views of the planets and deep sky objects.  One highlight of the evening was a transit of Io across Jupiter. Nov. 12, 2010 RACOBS.  A crowd of around 20 people with around a dozen scopes showed…

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Oct. 22, 2010 meeting

Tonight’s talk was “Current Research on the Origin of Dark Matter” by Dr. Michelle Shinn from the Jefferson National Lab in Newport News Virginia. In addition to being a physicist, Dr. Shinn is also an amateur astronomer and member of the Back Bay Astronomers. One of the interesting observations Dr. Shinn talked about tonight was that “regular matter” observed in spiral galaxies would not be enough to make them stable. There must be some kind of other matter present. She…

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Sept. 24, 2010 Meeting

Regular meeting Sept. 24, 2010 – RAC Club Swap Meet. Tonight was a regular indoor meeting at the museum, but it was a bit unusual as it was a departure from our normal meeting format of a talk and then a business meeting. Tonight was our second and hopefully annual Club swap meet. Members brought equipment that they wished to sell. Other members and guests came hoping to pick up some used bargains. The Club raffled off several items including…

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Treasurer’s Report 9-19-2010

RAC Treasurer’s Report Dated 9/19/2010 Regular checking account activity since 8/27/2010: Two checks totaling $194.37 were made as follows: $67.03 to Doug Lively for the 8/27 speaker dinner. $127.34 to Chuck Jaynes for annual Ipower website service fees. No deposits were made. Regular checking account balance————————–$3,465.20 Spec. Purpose checking account balance———————–$10.00 Savings account balance———————————–$8,488.65 Total all funds on hand———————————-$11,963.85

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Sept. 10, 2010 RACOBS Meeting

RACOBS Sept. 10 A really nice crowd of 32 people showed up at BigWoods for RACOBS (Raleigh Astronomy Club Observing Session). Although the skies only partially cooperated, the humidity was low and the temperatures were very comfortable during the evening hours. Tonight’s crowd was made up of mostly visual observers with a couple of imagers mixed in. Lots of Dob type Newtonians were in use, with a few refractors, and several Schmidt-Cassegrains also. We were treated to some nice views…

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Q3 2010 Officer’s Meeting Minutes

(I Apologize for the delay in posting this. -Ian) Meeting was called to order at 7pm.  Attendees:             Ian Hewitt             Doug Lively             Michael Keefe             Jim Dellapenna             Mark Lang Officer Meeting Minutes – There was unanimous agreement among the officers that these would be published to all members after all officers meetings. Speakers/Meetings – There was a brief discussion concerning speakers.  Ian reminded the group  that there are 12 Regular Meetings in 2011 which require speakers. The…

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August 2010 Meeting Summaries

Aug. 13, 2010 – RACOBS meeting.   Weather prevented an outdoor observing session so an indoor roundtable discussion was held.  Approximately 18 members showed up with the pre-announced topic of  “Top 10 best and worst astronomy experiences” on their minds.  Each member shared his/her story.  Even a couple of our junior members shared their stories.  After the meeting, most of the group went to Tripps to eat. Aug. 27, 2010 – Regular meeting.  Host Mike Keefe introduced tonight’s speaker Dr. Brand…

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July 2010 Meeting Summaries

July 9, 2010 – RACOBS was clouded out so a meeting was held at the Museum.  This time, rather than an unplanned meeting, Steve Izzo brought his computer and showed his favorite summer objects that he has imaged.  He also projected views from The_Sky planetarium program to show where the objects were located.  Many of the 17 members present shared their favorite objects visible in the summer sky. July 23, 2010 – Regular Meeting.  Roy Campbell, an artist on the…

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Second Quarter 2010 Meeting Summaries

Second Quarter 2010 Meeting Summaries April 9, 2010 – RACOBS. A good sized crowd made it out to BigWoods under conditions that turned out quite good in spite of the pollen.  There were about 20 people present, quite a few of whom were first time visitors. April 23, 2010 – Regular Meeting. The meeting tonight was entitled “The Birth and Death of Stars” by Dr. Fabian Heitsch.  Dr. Heitsch is an assistant professor in the Physics and Astronomy department at the University…

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Ioptron MiniTower

I thought I would give a short review of my new, mostly visual observing setup.  If anybody has seen me out at Big Woods, I am pretty much only taking pictures.  I had longed to do some visual observing for awhile.  The reason being the only mount I have is the Orion Atlas which is always taking images.  So, in celebration of getting one year older, I bought the Ioptron MiniTower altazimuth mount.  I have used it a few times with…

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First Quarter 2010 Meeting Summaries

First Quarter 2010 Meeting Summaries by Mark Lang Jan. 8, 2010 – RACOBS – A group of  10 very hardy members and a couple of visitors headed out to the Lake.  The weather conditions were brutal – cold, windy, and some clouds.  Some observing happened during holes in the clouds, but by 9:30 everyone had left due to the bad conditions. Jan. 22, 2010 – Regular meeting.  Filmaker Stephen van Vuuren from Greensboro, talked with the Club about how he…

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Fourth Quarter 2009 Meeting Summaries

Fourth Quarter Meeting Summaries By Mark Lang Oct. 2 and 4, 2009.  The public observing sessions at the Museum of Art were both clouded out.  They may be rescheduled at a later date. Oct. 9, 2009 – Special meeting “The Rene Ward Memorial Lecture”.  This special meeting was held in the main auditorium of the Natural Sciences Museum.  To start the night off, Jerry Watson gave a narrated PowerPoint presentation about Rene Ward and her connection to the Raleigh Astronomy…

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Third Quarter 2009 Meeting Summaries

Third Quarter 2009 Meeting Summaries By Mark Lang July 10, 2009 – Regular meeting – RAC swap meet.  This was the first RAC swap meet.  Members brought their astronomy gear that was no longer wanted or needed and tried to sell it to others.  A few telescopes and accessories were sold.  There were also drawings for door prizes which included some nice books.  A cake and refreshments were also provided.  Turnout was light due to it being a summer night,…

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Your First Star Party

Your First Star Party By Ian Hewitt Have you recently acquired the observing habit?  Or the even more addictive astro-imaging bug?  If so, then you may be considering going to a Star Party.  Star Parties are a great way to enjoy amateur astronomy and they offer things like networking with other amateurs, see presentations from professionals and advanced amateurs, observing sessions in remote places in safety (if not comfort), and just to have fun.  However, many people are intimidated about…

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