RAC Observing Programs

RAC Observing Programs

RAC has its own observing programs that club members can work on and then submit their results for an award.

Each RAC observing programs is described in detail in the documents below, including the observing and submission requirements. Once you have completed the requirements for a program, submit your material to the RAC Observing Coordinator at [email protected].

The details on the observing clubs are below:

  Globular Cluster Club (59.0 KiB, 1,655 hits)

  Globular Cluster Log (6.6 KiB, 1,170 hits)

  Lunar 100 Club (321.9 KiB, 2,015 hits)

  Planetary Moon Club (143.9 KiB, 1,414 hits)

  Planet Club (168.7 KiB, 1,446 hits)

  SAA 100 Club (191.0 KiB, 1,527 hits)

  Star Trek Observing List (6.0 MiB, 1,686 hits)

The RAC members who have received RAC Observing Club awards are:

RAC Program Description Award Recipients
Globular Cluster Club 30 globular clusters in the sky Chris W
Lunar 100 100 interesting features of the moon Al H
Planetary Moon Club Interesting moons of the planets
Planets Club Planets of our solar system Dean H
SAA 100 Club 100 of the best deep-sky objects Ian H, Chris W
Star Trek Observing List A list of 38 Deep Space objects mentioned in the various Star Trek TV episodes and movies

Observers may also be interested in the lists of Messier objects below during a Messier Marathon, or any time during the year. Each list contains the Messier objects visible in the evening sky during that particular season.

  Spring Messier List (112.2 KiB, 1,627 hits)

  Summer Messier List (111.8 KiB, 1,441 hits)

  Fall Messier List (119.1 KiB, 2,027 hits)

  Winter Messier List (112.4 KiB, 1,889 hits)

If you have an idea for a new observing challenge for Club members, contact the RAC Observing Club Coordinator at [email protected] or a club officer to discuss your idea.

RAC is a non profit organization

Please send general inquiries to [email protected]

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