
April 2012 RAC Observing Session

Despite the clouds, 12 people and 5 telescopes showed up at Big Woods last night. Joe P, Travis W, Greg B were imaging. Coin P and I were doing visual work and someone whose name I didn’t catch did visual work with a 6″ refractor. Several guests shared views with the visual observers.

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NCSU Astroimaging Conference

On April 9, 2012 the N.C. State University Department of Physics invited an amateur astroimager named Burley Packwood, M.D. to present “Astroimaging: What Technologies Enable Both Professionals and Amateurs to Obtain Such Spectacular Astronomical Images?”  Burley is a retired Radiologist who recently relocated to the mecca of optical observatories, Tuscon, Arizona.  Burley has a dome in his backyard, a 7′ AstroHaven clamshell dome that protects an AP1200 mount and a 5″ Takahashi refractor, SBIG ST2000XM and Adaptive Optical device from…

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March 2012 Business Meeting

We had a great indoor session on Friday March 9th 2012.  Ian Hewitt presented a very practical methodology for Astronomical Sketching.  A separate article detailing Ian’s presentation can be found the following link. On the business front:  Astromony Days, begining in 2013 (by popular vote of members present), will be moved back to January.

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Astronomical Sketching

In this day of multi-mega pixel DLSR’s, dedicated astronomical cameras, and high-tech photo-processing software we often over look one of the cheapest and easily accessible tools in our cosmic recording arsenal: Astronomical Sketching. During our March 9th 2012 meeting, presenter Ian Hewitt taught the club just how easy and effective this useful and often less attempted skill can be to pursue.

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A Red Screen Cover for Smartphones

I am relatively new to smartphones but I have already found 2 good astronomy apps that I like to use while observing: SkySafari (sky charts) and Astro Panel (weather). While SkySafari has a night (red) mode, the display seems a bit bright. Astro Panel doesn’t offer a night mode. Further, if you need to use the phone for calls, email or such, the screen is really bright. Enter the Staunton River Star Party and vendor AstroGizmos. I spoke with Jeff…

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Winter Star Party 2012

Well folks the 28th Annual Winter Star Party is in the books – and I’d say it was one of the better ones I’ve attended in recent years. Attendance was down though 568 tickets were sold only about 448 were rumored to have showed and the plentiful hot water for the showers seemed to support these rumors! By accident (really – we had other plans) I ended up No. 6 in line on the Overseas Highway!

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Processing Mars

In the March Imaging SIG meeting (now the first Friday of every month!), there was a great discussion about processing planetary images with Registax. The group also worked with our own Chris Cole to produce a Mars image from video he had taken the week before.

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Treasurer’s Report 3/8/2012

RAC Treasurer’s Report dated 3/8/2012 Regular checking account activity since the 2/9/2012 report: $ 32.16  to James DellaPenna for the Carla Frohlich speaker dinner. Two deposits totaling $844.76 were made for membership dues. $ 2,985.79———Regular checking account balance. $10.00———Special purpose (PayPal Transfer) account balance. $10,304.83———Savings account balance. $13,300.62———Total balance all funds on hand. Membership Dues: As of this report 83 memberships have paid their 2012 dues.  New memberships since October 1st represent 28 of these 83 paid memberships. As of…

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Origin of Chemical Elements

At the February Indoor meeting, we were treated to fascinating talk by Dr. Carla Frohlich of the NCSU Astrophysics Department.  The topic was the Origin of Chemical Elements and focused on the various nucleosynthesis processes, especially those occurring in core collapse supernovae, that enriched the early galaxy with all the all heavy elements (elements heavier than helium).

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January Observing Session

It was a very good night of observing on Friday, January 27th! Conditions were mild (for January) and we had about 21 club members and 12 guests attend. Sky conditions were generally good, but the seeing was bit soft for most of the evening. The temperatures started around 56F and dropped to 36F by the time the last members left the site.

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Solar System Evolution and the Nature Research Center

In the January indoor meeting Dr Rachel L. Smith, Director of the Space Observation Laboratory at the Nature  Research Center (NRC) presented an overview of her research into solar system evolution to record setting 70 attendees. She also provided  an overview of the astronomy based laboratory at the new Nature Research Center in downtown Raleigh  (opening in April).

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Saturn and Hubble at IMAX

On Thursday evening, almost 20 club members went to the IMAX theater at the Marble’s Kid Museum for a special event which featured food, beverages, and two IMAX shows.  The first was preview of the independent non-profit film called Outside-in and the second was the main IMAX feature called Hubble 3D. This was a monthly event called Martini’s to the Max that the museum offers to the public.

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Treasurer’s Report 1/9/2012

Regular checking account activity since 11/9/2011 report: $167.36  to Chuck Jaynes – Ipower hosting, domain names, domain privacy. $50.88  to Mike Keefe – Oct. speaker dinners + Staunton River cookout supplies. $94.64  to Doug Lively – Staunton River cookout food. $241.05  to Jerry Watson – 13 months of RAC phone bills. $100.00  to International Dark Sky Association – annual club dues. $127.99  to Jerry Watson – Flower arrangement for Judith Goodman. Three deposits totaling $300.77 were made for membership dues…

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December Observing Session

December’s observing session officially started at 7:00PM but the gate was opened before that time.  A few RAC members were already there (Jim DellaPenna had opened the gate) along with some visitors. The night was quite pleasant and the temperature was in the Low to Mid 50’s.  There was a ~5mph breeze coming off of Lake Jordan that made it a little chilly but over all it was still comfortable.

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