
December 8 Indoor Meeting: Field Power

Location: NCSU Crafts Center (directions) Date: December 8, 2017 Time: 7:30-9:30pm Abstract: RAC Co-Chair John Sadler will lead a discussion around field power.   Portable batteries are needed to run dew controllers at a minimum, and for many, they also power telescope mounts, imaging gear, computers, and more.   While some commercial solutions exist, home made solutions are quite typical.   Learn what to consider when building the box including the battery, connectors such as the Anderson Powerpole products, amp meters, voltage regulators,…

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November 10 Indoor Meeting: Astronomical Spectroscopy

Location: NCSU Crafts Center (directions) Date: November 10, 2017 Time: 7:30-9:30pm Abstract: RAC member Matt Lochansky will show how spectroscopy sheds light on the composition and environment of our universe.  While human exploration has barely left our solar system, much of our understanding of elements, temperatures, and velocities in deep space have been made through spectroscopic techniques.  Amateurs are placing an increasing role in monitoring transient astronomical events and longer term patterns of stellar interactions. RAC Business: After the presentation,…

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October 27 Indoor Meeting: 60th Anniversary of Sputnik

Location: NCSU Crafts Center (directions) Date: October 27, 2017 Time: 7:30-9:30pm Abstract: October marks 60 years since the Sputnik was launched from the Soviet Union.  Our speaker, Dr. Russell Philbrick, was a senior at Cary High School and convinced the owners of WPTF radio station to use their antenna to track the satellite. Dr. Philbrick with describe the events leading up to sputnik, the tone of the time, and how we all changed as a result of it’s orbit 60…

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September 8 Indoor Meeting: Video Astronomy

Location: NCSU Crafts Center (directions) Date: September 8, 2017 Time: 7:30-9:30pm Abstract: Club members Michael Carnes and Michael Keefe will be providing an introductory talk on video astronomy. They will over areas such as what is Video Astronomy, benefits of Video Astronomy, what is needed to start and what you can expect from Video Astronomy. Additionally, our speakers will share some recent examples of their work as well as having examples of their equipment. Please join us this Friday evening…

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August 11 Indoor Meeting: Photographing the Eclipse

Location: NCSU Crafts Center (directions) Date: August 11, 2017 Time: 7:30-9:30pm Club member and astrophotographer extraordinaire Chris Cole will present on how to photograph the eclipse.   His talk will cover photography with a smartphone all the way to using a CMOS camera (DSLR) through a H-alpha telescope.  We’ll also talk about the different photographing strategies that can make the experience enjoyable. You may have seen Chris featured on WRAL-TV talking about how to image the eclipse. Eclipse Glasses:  All club members…

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July 14 Indoor Meeting: Skywatching with the Public

Location: NCSU Crafts Center (directions) Date: July 14, 2017 Time: 7:30-9:30pm Many RAC members offer their time, expertise, and equipment for astronomy outreach, and partner with other organizations to help make skywatching sessions for the public a success. Join Morehead Planetarium educators and coordinators of the NC Statewide Star Party (the biggest statewide star party for the public in the universe?) for a discussion of skywatching with the public in the Triangle. During this meeting, you’ll get to have some…

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June 9 Indoor Meeting: NEAF Report and Elections

Location: NCSU Crafts Center (directions) Date: June 9, 2017 Time: 7:30-9:30pm RAC members Mark and Phyllis Lang will give a report on this year’s Northeast Astronomy Forum (NEAF). NEAF is held each April in Suffern, NY, and is the largest astronomy equipment trade show in the world. Join Mark and Phyllis for a vendor’s view of the show. Also, learn about the Webb Deep-Sky Society – what it is, what they do and how to join. After the presentation, we…

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May 19 Indoor Meeting: Imaging Showcase

*Note: Meeting is the THIRD FRIDAY Due to Conflict with NCSU Graduation (Crafts Center closed) Location: NCSU Crafts Center (directions) Date: May 19, 2017 Time: 7:30-9:30pm This meeting will feature recent photos from our astro-imaging group and relevant discussion. After the presentation, we will discuss additional RAC business, including elections (officer elections will take place in June), a treasurer’s report, and an outreach update. We will then adjourn for “dinner” at a Sammy’s Tap and Grill on Avent Ferry Rd.

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April 20 Imaging Meeting: Solarography

Join us for this month’s RAC Imaging Meeting where club member Steve Chirstensen will be talking about his success in solarography which allows dramatic pictures of the suns path over the course of weeks. Afterwards, John Sadler will give us a rundown of what he has learned in the freeware programs of Kstars and EKOS. The meeting will be at its usual venue in the hallway of the Raleigh Brickhouse.

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April 7 Indoor Meeting: Lunar Observation and Imaging

*Note: Meeting is the FIRST FRIDAY Due to Conflict with Good Friday (Crafts Center unavailable) on 2nd Friday) Location: NCSU Crafts Center (directions) Date: April 7, 2017 Time: 7:30-9:30pm Following up on March’s meeting about eclipses and transits, club Members Mike Mantini and Doug Lively will speak about Lunar Observing and Imaging. After the presentation, we will discuss additional RAC business, then adjourn for “dinner” at a local establishment.

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RACOBS is ON! GO! Feb 24

It’s time for RACOBS, the monthly outdoor observing session of the Raleigh Astronomy Club!  Check back for a go/no-go decision and timing to open the gate. It’s been a few months, so let’s hope the weather cooperates! Date:   Friday, February 24, 2017 Sunset: 6:05pm As always, visitors are welcome!  Just email the club, [email protected], at least 24 hours in advance so we can provide details (location, timing, etc).  If you’ve been to our site in the past, please let…

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Feb 10 Indoor Meeting: Celestial Occultations

Location: NCSU Crafts Center (directions) Date: February 10, 2017 Time: 7:30-9:30pm Please join us Friday night at the NC State Crafts Center for a presentation by our own Mark Lang titled: “Celestial Occultations – an overview of astronomical occultations” Additionally We will have: 1) An announcement concerning a memorial fund honoring Dr. Jerry Watson. 2) Discussions concerning the August 21 Eclipse 3) Distribution of solar eclipse glasses to RAC Members attending the meeting. 4) General RAC Business

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Cancelled RACOBS: January 20

RACOBS is cancelled due to wet and cloudy conditions… perhaps next month?! *NOTE* RACOBS has been moved a week earlier due to Astronomy Days Bring the family out to RACOBS!  The Raleigh Astronomy Club’s monthly observing session at our usual dark sky site.  Check back for a go/no-go decision and timing to open the gate.    It might be cold, so dress appropriately. Date:   Friday, January 20, 2016 Sunset: 5:30pm As always, visitors are welcome!  Just email the club,…

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Indoor Meeting: Holiday Gear & Astronomy Days

This is the monthly meeting of the Raleigh Astronomy Club Details: Members share their holiday gear gifts or purchases!  Afterwards, the club will discuss Astronomy Days, a signature event for the Raleigh Astronomy Club in conjunction with the NC Museum of Natural Sciences Location:   NCSU Crafts Center  (directions) Date:  January 13, 2017 Time:  7:30-9:30pm Synopsis:  Did you receive any Astronomy Gear over the Holiday’s?  If so bring it to the NCSU Crafts center and spend 5 – 10 Minutes…

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