Observing Related Information
Successful Lunar Graze on July 2
On Sunday night / Monday morning, several members of RAC met at the Crossroads shopping center to observe a grazing lunar occultation of the star Delta Capricorni. Rarely do we observe in a location bright enough for a photo, but this graze was observed under lots of light as you can see below. Mark L coordinated the event for us and devised a well-prepared plan. We had 4 observing stations spread across the shopping area. This was necessary to produce…
RAC Outreach at Governor’s School
Several RAC members gathered on the roof of the Science and Math building at Meredith College to provide an observing session for teens attending the Governor Morehead School. The weather looked threatening throughout the afternoon, but storms held off and we were able to observe despite the clouds. Daniel Murphy was our Governor Morehead School coordinator. Over 125 of North Carolina’s brightest rising seniors enjoyed views of Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, the moon and stars through telescopes ranging from…
July Darkness Data
Darkness Text Report Location: Raleigh, NC Beginning: 01 Jul 2016 Latitude: 35°52’12” N Ending: 31 Jul 2016 Longitude: 78°46’48” W LT/UT: LT Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time Days to Skip: 1 Dow Date AM Tw Sun Rise Sun Set PM Tw Moon Rise Moon Set Phase AM Dark End PM Dark End Fri 01 Jul 04:14a 06:03a 08:35p 10:24p 03:38a 05:42p 14.5% 12:00a 03:38a 10:24p 11:59p Sat 02 Jul 04:15a 06:03a 08:35p 10:24p 04:28a 06:47p 7.3% 12:00a 04:15a 10:24p 11:59p…
Due to expected storms coming through the region between 8-10pm, already soft grounds and high clouds, RACOBS is cancelled for the month. It’s time for RACOBS again, the monthly outdoor meeting of the Raleigh Astronomy Club. We’ll be meeting at our normal spot near Jordan Lake. As always, the event is open to the public, however we do not advertise the location. Please email the club, [email protected] if you would like directions. Sunset should occur at 8:33pm, A waxing crescent…
June Darkness Data
Darkness Text Report Location: Raleigh, NC Beginning: 01 Jun 2016 Latitude: 35°52’12” N Ending: 30 Jun 2016 Longitude: 78°46’48” W LT/UT: LT Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time Days to Skip: 1 Dow Date AM Tw Sun Rise Sun Set PM Tw Moon Rise Moon Set Phase AM Dark End PM Dark End Wed 01 Jun 04:13a 06:00a 08:27p 10:13p 03:32a 04:34p 21.4% 12:00a 03:32a 10:13p 11:59p Thu 02 Jun 04:13a 06:00a 08:27p 10:14p 04:14a 05:43p 12.6% 12:00a 04:13a 10:14p 11:59p…
RACOBS – June 10 – Recap
The June RACOBS was June 10. About 10-12 RAC members and a few guests enjoyed a night under the stars. Sunset: 8:31pm Astronomical Twilight: 10:19pm For the most part, the weather was average until later in the eve, when the clouds started to roll in. We just can’t seem to get a break with the weather. Interestingly, it actually got warmer as the night progressed. A bright meteor was seen by many early in the evening. Also the ISS made…
May Darkness Data
Darkness Text Report Location: Raleigh, NC Beginning: 01 May 2016 Latitude: 35°52’12” N Ending: 31 May 2016 Longitude: 78°46’48” W LT/UT: LT Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time Days to Skip: 1 Dow Date AM Tw Sun Rise Sun Set PM Tw Moon Rise Moon Set Phase AM Dark End PM Dark End Sun 01 May 04:47a 06:22a 08:03p 09:38p 02:58a 02:22p 39.1% 12:00a 02:58a 09:38p 11:59p Mon 02 May 04:45a 06:21a 08:03p 09:40p 03:38a 03:27p 28.5% 12:00a 03:38a 09:40p 11:59p…
May RACOBS – Recap
We had 3 present af the RACOBS: Quinten Brener – visitor Chris Cole – RAC Co-chairman Me – RAC ALCOR Quinten setup a camera up by The lake while Chris and I set up in the “traditional” spot. Quintin was there to test out a new Canon DSLR by doing a timelapse. He did manage to capture a bright meteorite that left a smoky green trail in one of his frames. He had never seen any planet or deep sky…
March Darkness Data
Darkness Text Report Click Read More for the Darkness Report for Raleigh, NC in March 2016
February Darkness Data
Darkness Text Report Click Read More for the Darkness Report for Raleigh, NC in February 2016
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