RAC Indoor Meeting Minutes
June 28, 2024
Co-Chair Anastasia Vail hosted the meeting in-person at the NC Museum of Natural Sciences, as well as virtually using the Zoom platform.
21 meeting participants attended in-person, 10 attended via Zoom.
Presentation: Peter Birren joined us via Zoom to discuss his book “Objects in the Heavens” and how to use it to get the most out of your observing.
Upcoming Events:
- June 29th: Astronomy on Tap Star Party
- June 30th: RAC Ladies Meetup (not a RAC-sanctioned event)
- July 5th: First Fridays with TLC at 3BA
- July 5th: RAC Observing Session (RACOBS)
- July 13th: Prairie Ridge Ecostation Star Party
- July 13th: RAC Class (Topic TBD)
- July 18th: Imaging Meeting (QIC: Constellation Auriga)
- July 26th: Indoor Meeting: (Topic TBD — Mike Malaska
Current Officers & Committee Chairs
Co-Chairs: Naveen Malik, Dana Bostic & Anastasia Vail
Treasurer: Steve Izzo
Secretary: Susan Herring
Committee Chairs:
ALCOR: Dean Herring & Dana Bostic
Outreach: Steven Blake
Webmaster: Barton Meeks
Loaner Scopes: Rob Parsons
Key Holders: Naveen Malik
Education: Anastasia Vail, Dana Bostic, & Naveen Malik
Social Media: Anastasia Vail
Imaging: Chris Cole
A/V: Naveen Malik
Treasurer’s Report: Steven Izzo
Membership: – 512 total.
311 single memberships
116 family memberships with 85 secondary members
Business checking: $1,200.77
Savings: $27,544.94
Special purpose checking: $48.60
Astronomical League Awards: Dean Herring
- Randal Finden – Double Star
- Samantha Pickard – Solar Eclipse Silver & Gold
- Ed Barrows – Solar Eclipse Silver
- Doug Lively – October Annular Eclipse & Solar Eclipse Silver
- Jim Michnowicz – October Annular Eclipse & Solar Eclipse Silver
- Marshall Sweet – Solar Eclipse Silver
- Dean Herring – Constellations, AL Observer Certificate, Advanced Observer & Lunar 2
- Carolyn Newman – Solar Eclipse Silver
Outreach Report: Steve Blake
Recent Events:
- June 7th: First Fridays with TLC at 3BA
- June 19th: The Willard
Upcoming Events:
- June 29th: Astronomy on Tap Star Party
- July 5th: First Fridays with TLC at 3BA
- July 13th: Prairie Ridge Ecostation Star Party
Loaner Scope Report: Rob Parsons
- Looking for a co-coordinator! (a role description will be sent out to members soon)
- All Meade ETX scopes have been taken offline
- Current Status:
Cassagrains: 7 out / 2 available
Dobsonians: 9 out / 2 available
Maksutovs: 1 out / 0 available
Refractors: 1 out / 1 available
Reflectors: 1 out / 2 available
Binoculars: 0 out / 4 available
Key Holders Report: Naveen Malik
Applications to be sent out shortly
Education Committee Report: Anastasia Vail
We are looking for instructors! If you’re interested in leading one of our monthly RAC classes, let one of the RAC Co-chairs know.
Being an instructor for a RAC Class entails providing:
- a topic
- any related instructional materials
- instruction on the day of the class
NEXT CLASS: July 13th
Social Media, A/V & Imaging – No Reports
Constitution & By-Laws
No new proposed revisions for member review.
Vote is scheduled for the next RAC meeting (July 26th).
See upcoming announcement email for links to:
- current documents
- updated documents
- summary of changes
Summary of changes:
- Update territorial limits for membership from “City of Raleigh or surrounding communities” to “United States of America and its territories”
- Remove dual membership types, replace with single membership type.
- Members have one vote and may hold office if other criteria are met.
- Immediate family members are eligible for Club benefits.
- Members 15 years old and under must be accompanied by a chaperone at least 18 years old at RAC events.
- Treasurer duties include presenting an annual budget each May with a goal of ratification each June.
- The Executive Committee may accept officer nominations that do not meet all prerequisites and present the nomination to members as a part of the officer election process.
Summary of changes:
- Expenditures are managed against an annual budget that is approved by members. Note: General Policies v1.3 states that the Executive Committee votes on any expenses more than $150 over any approved budget.
Officers Elections:
Current slate of nominees:
- Co-chair: Dana Bostic, Naveen Malik
- Treasurer: Steve Izzo
- Secretary: Susan Herring
All First Friday Under the Stars with TLC events in 2024 will be held at Three Bear Acres, until further notice.
The observing committee is looking for volunteers to coordinate events and assist at events with or without a telescope. To join the committee, send a blank email to [email protected]. Any club member is welcome, regardless of experience level. To volunteer for an event, register via the RAC Calendar.