RAC Indoor Meeting Minutes
December 15, 2023
Co-Chair Anastasia Vail hosted the meeting in-person at the NC Museum of Natural Sciences, as well as virtually using the Zoom platform.
18 meeting participants attended in-person, 8 attended via Zoom.
Presentation: “2023 Imaging Showcase” RAC’s Chris Cole lead the club’s imaging group and shared some of their accomplishments from throughout the year!
Business Milestones by Co-Chair Naveen Malik
- Frank – Complete Ring around the sun picture, Moon Dogs
- Naveen Malik – Got Augmon camera lens
Outreach Committee Update by Co-Chair Anastasia Vail
Previous Event updates
- January 5th: First Fridays with TLC (3BA)
- February 3rd & 4th: Astronomy Days at NCMNS
- February 9th: First Fridays with TLC (3BA)
Upcoming Events
- January 12th: RACOBS
- January 18th: Imaging Meeting
- January 26th: Indoor Meeting
- February 3 and 4 – Astronomy Days – NCMNS
- February 9th: RACOBS
- February 10th: RAC Astronomy Class
- February 16th: Indoor Meeting
- February 22nd: Imaging Meeting
Treasurer’s Report by Steven Izzo (presently by Dana Bostic)
Membership – 549 total.
- 333 single memberships
- 126 family memberships with 80 secondary members
- Business checking: $1,106.67
- Savings: $23,247.54
- Special purpose checking: $0.29
Astronomical League Report by Dana Bostic
- No updates
Loaner Scope Report by Rob Parsons
- Total of 26 scopes (two are in for repair, preparing two others to be added)
- There are three large scopes in storage that are looking for a purpose.
- 16″ Meade Newtonian
- 14″ Celestron SCT
- 20″ Starmaster with Zambuto Mirror (needs eyepieces)
- Expenses:
- $100 to be submitted.
- $200 spent for LX90 accessories
- Repairs:
- Small dob needs OTA straightened
- Education:
- How to use a go-to
- How to use a dob manually / push-to
- How to use the StarMaster 20
- Donations
- 4 donations offers to be investigated
Education Committee Report by Anastasia Vail
- Aiming to hold one class per month
- First class: January 13th (“Intro to Telescopes / Telescope Clinic”)
Key Holders Report by Naveen Malik
- No updates
Social Media Report by Naveen Malik
- Multiple videos uploaded.
Nominations and Elections by Co-Chair Anastasia Vail
- Dana Bostic voted in as co-chair.
All First Friday Under the Stars with TLC events in 2024 will be held at Three Bear Acres, until further notice.
The observing committee is looking for volunteers to coordinate events and assist at events with or without a telescope. To join the committee, send a blank email to [email protected]. Any club member is welcome, regardless of experience level. To volunteer for an event, register via the RAC Calendar.