RAC Indoor Meeting Minutes
August 25, 2023
Co-Chair Naveen Malik hosted the meeting in-person at the NC Museum of Natural Sciences, as well as virtually using the Zoom and Facebook platforms.
17 meeting participants attended in-person, 9 attended via Zoom and 4 attended via Facebook.
Presentation: “Science Can’t Wait” by Juan Martinez.
Milestones by Co-Chair Naveen Malik
- Steve accidentally deleted his Saturn photos off his dwarf II
ALCor announcement by Co-Chair Naveen Malik
- Dana Bostic has agreed to do the Astronomical League Reporting
Outreach Committee Update by Co-Chair Naveen Malik
Previous Event updates
- August 11 – Perseid Meteor Shower at Howell Woods ~100 attendees (cleared up and had great skies)
- August 12 – Skywatching at Dorothea Dix Park ~8000 attendees (basically could only see the Summer Triangle)
- August 14 – Carolina Arbors: “Where are the Aliens?” (by Mike Keefe) ~70 attendees, had a RAC Table
- August 17 – RTP180 RAC Table and two scopes
- August 19 – Stargazing at NC Museum of Art ~100 attendees
Upcoming Events
- August 31: The Willard
- September 1: First Fridays Under the Stars with TLC
- September 8: ROCOBS
- September 14: Imaging Meeting
- September 22: Indoor Meeting
- September 27: The Willard
- September 30: Camera + Equatorial Mount AP Workshop
Treasurer’s Report by Secretary Steven Izzo
Membership – 502 total
- 306 single memberships
- 116 family memberships with 80 secondary members
- Business checking: $1,018.43
- Savings: $23,267.80
- Special purpose checking: $0.47
Imaging Group Report by Chris Cole
- September 14: (Zoom only meeting) Imaging Meeting – by Juan Martinez, more technical details at this meeting
- September 30: Camera + Equatorial Mount AP Workshop
- October 19: (Hybrid In person and Zoom) Imaging Challenge – Summer Triangle Images
A/V Committee Report announcement by Co-Chair Naveen Malik
- Naveen Malik is A/V committee chair
All First Friday Under the Stars with TLC events in 2023 will be held at Three Bear Acres, until further notice.
The observing committee is looking for volunteers to coordinate events and assist at events with or without a telescope. To join the committee, send a blank email to [email protected]. Any club member is welcome, regardless of experience level. To volunteer for an event, register via the RAC Calendar.