Aspiring Engineers Public Observing at White Deer Park

Date:  April 1, 2022
Time:  7-9pm
Location: White Deer Park, Garner NC

Steven Blake
Nick Helmer
Jossilin Lochansky
Matt Lochansky
Ann Murphy
Rob Parsons
Tony Verdone

Event Attendees: ~75

We had a good night with clear skies. Temps were in the 60s much of the evening. We set up on the field by the Nature Center with a decent view towards from the NW to S, then to the SE over the parking lot (and street lights). Orion was still high enough in the sky to be very well positioned. We viewed the Orion Nebula, Pleides Star Cluster, Beehive cluster, and more. No planets nor moon were visible this evening. Traffic was steady by the telescopes once it got dark around 8pm. We had lots of great conversations. We did meet some aspiring engineers!

Potential club member Thamer A. stopped by with his Apertura dobsonian he is learning to use. While we couldn’t get his scope fully up and running, he hung around and asked some questions.

Special thanks to new member Nick Helmer on his first outreach event!

Notes for Next Time:
Ask the site to not have a fire!
The other side of the park offers a bit more visibility for the sky, but is further from the nature center and requires scopes to be carried a little further from the parking lot.