Co-chairperson Ann Murphy hosted the online meeting using the Zoom platform
32 participants
Indoor Meeting: “You Can Almost Touch the Stars” by Tom Field. Tom is the author of “RSpec” software and he is a contributor to Sky & Telescope magazine. Q&A followed the presentation.
Treasury Report. The report was provided by Treasurer Steve Izzo.
Membership – 279 total (183+2*48)
- 183 single memberships
- 48 family memberships
- $524.30 in business checking
- $14,560.45 in savings
- $96.62 in special purpose checking
Astronomical League – Alcor Doug Lively.
No activity at the moment. Please submit your observing records to receive an award.
Astronomy Days – Doug Lively.
Dates are Jan 29-30. It may be done virtually. Please stay tuned.
Upcoming Activities.
Oct 15: Imaging meeting via Zoom
Oct 23: Indoor meeting via Zoom. Topic TBA.