On a recent zoom meeting someone mentioned how fortunate we are to have an active astronomy club.  I was a member back when I first moved to North Carolina in 1983 and like they say life happened and dropped out in 1990  but it never really left my thoughts. I rejoined a couple of years ago.  I wanted to put a little of our history on the website and here is my first contribution.  Thanks to Mark Lang for keeping our old newsletters. Here is the first one from Fourth Quarter 1980   This newsletter talks about members attending the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board. It turns out the board approved the funding for the telescope project.  Also in this newsletter is a report about a field trip to Sandhills Observatory and much more in the newsletter.  I hope you enjoy reading the newsletter from 1980 and I hope to figure out the best way to document our history on the website. Thank you for reading.

Update on the history From Mark Lang  Rene Ward is the original editor of the newsletter and the document linked  is in her handwriting on some of the pages.  All of this was done on a manual elite typewriter and some of us would gather at her house to assemble, address, stamp, and deliver the result to the post office.