Date: September 23, 2016
Time: 7:30pm
About 15 club members and guests ventured out to RACOBS this month. Once dark, the skies were unusually steady. Mars, and Saturn were sights for the first hour, but unfortunately Jupiter set soon after the sun. The milky way was obvious with some structure visible. Some of the objects observed include M31 Andromeda Galaxy, M57 Ring Nebula, the double cluster (NGC 869/884), NGC 6760, M8 Lagoon, M17, Swan nebula, and more. Several new pieces (or refurbished) were out and all seemed to go well.
A little after 10pm, the dew started to get heavy and a little bit of ground fog developed. After talking some, the evening ended at 11:30pm.
Original Post:
It’s time for the monthly OUTDOOR meeting of the Raleigh Astronomy club, or RACOBS! We’ll be meeting at our usual place near Jordan Lake. Members should have received directions in their welcome packet. Guests should email [email protected] to tell us to expect you and obtain directions, if needed.
Sunset should occur at 7:09pm. Astronomical twilight begins at 8:34pm. It gets earlier in the fall – more time to observe! The moon never rises on Sepetember 23rd. It sets at 2:21pm and doesn’t rise until 12:55am on the 24th. When it does rise, it will be a waning crescent, about 38% illuminated. As we’re now into fall time, please consider the possibility of dew.
Keep an eye on the RAC facebook and website for the official GO/NO-GO decision. Sometimes the call can be as late as 5pm.