Recap:  What a wonderful meeting where several club members got up in the front of the group and presented some of their favorite photos they’ve taken.  We saw great views of many objects including the Eagle nebula, Orion Nebula, the Sun and Moon, Pleides star cluster, the Shark Nebula, and much more.  What was also impressive was the many different approaches club members take the capturing photographs…  From multi-night LRGB images to very short video captures, to wide field DSLR photography to high f/ratio setups for planetary.  Plus, many members presented timelapse videos showing objects  moving/changing over time.  Very impressive!

The presentation lasted about 75 minutes followed by a short business meeting.

Date:  Friday, September 9, 2016

Time:  7:30-9:30 pm

Where:   NC State Crafts Center (basement of Thompson Hall)  – Directions

The September RAC indoor meeting will feature RAC Imagers presenting some of their latest work.  Sit back and enjoy the beauty of the cosmos.  This is intended to be an informal presentation/discussion and a chance for the club to show off some of our talent!  Our own co-chair Chris Cole will lead the discussion.  Soft drinks will be provided.

Any club astroimager is welcome to share their work.  Just bring a recent photo or two on a jump drive, tablet, computer, etc…  Be prepared to briefly explain how the image was captured and processed.  No advance notice is needed, but time may be limited based on the number of participants.

After the presentation, a short business meeting will follow.  Of particular interest will be planning a club Barbecue!