Despite getting off to a cloudy start, last night’s RACOBS was quite enjoyable. 11 people in attendance. The weather was hot and humid. However, over the course of the evening the temperatures started to drop and clouds began to dissipate. The sky conditions were not ideal but allowed for good viewing of Saturn, Mars, nebulae and clusters. However, transparency was quite bad and limited galaxy viewing.
Mike Keefe reported using video astronomy and getting a nice capture of the Eagle Nebula (M16) among other messier objects.
Sounds like all had fun and stayed until after moonrise – about 2:15am!
It’s time for RACOBS again, the monthly outdoor meeting of the Raleigh Astronomy Club. We’ll be meeting on Friday, August 26 at our normal spot near Jordan Lake. If you are not a club member, please email the club, [email protected] at least 24 hours in advance if you would like directions. Club members should refer to their welcome packet for directions and can ask questions on the member’s email list.
Sunset should occur at 7:49pm, The moon should not be a problem as a waning crescent moon, 24% illuminated will not rise until 2:03am. The summer triangle will take prominent position in the sky.
More info forthcoming, including commitment from a keyholder as to when the gate is unlocked. As always, check back on the website, facebook, and the member email list Friday afternoon for a GO/NO-GO call.