Chris Cole ran the meeting
32 members and guests signed the attendance log
Speaker: Dr. Chris Richardson, Assistant Professor of Physics, Elon University
Dr. Richardson showed the explosion in the number of known exoplanets. He used a graphic (right) to show all 786 known exoplanets… as of June 2012. Now, in 2016 that number is over 3,000. Looking at the drake equation, most of the variables are reasonably well known, with the exception of the last variable “L” which describes how long a civilization would last. We simply do not have enough empirical data to know it it’s thousands or millions of years! A new version of the equation is being used dropping this term. When we take what we are learning about exoplanets and the way our own solar system has evolved, and use the cosmic archaeology equation, odds are pretty good that life capable of communication exists or has existed somewhere in the galaxy.
Club Business:
A final vote on the constitutional amendment was taken. Adding in online votes, the amendment passes, 42-2. The club constitution has been amended to read:
Section 5. Limitations of Office‑Holding. No officer shall simultaneously hold more than one elected office. No member shall be an officer for more than three terms consecutively. Exceptions to the term limit can be approved at a regular meeting by voting eligible members by a two-thirds vote, a quorum voting, on a year by year basis.
With he constitution modified, a motion was made to allow Chris Cole to serve a 4th year. Motion was seconded and carried unanimously by voice vote.
Club Elections:
Chris Cole, Doug Lively, and John Sadler were elected co-chairs by unanimous vote.
Steve Izzo and Dave Brugger were elected Treasurer and Secretary, respectively, by unanimous vote
Congratulations to the newly elected officers!!
August Meeting Location:
Several club members toured the Crafts Center at NC State as a possible new meeting location. The crafts center would allow meetings to occur on Friday’s again (it was moved to Thursday a few years ago to accommodate the NC Museum of Natural Science). The center will allow us to meet as late as 10pm. Our meetings have always been open to the public and this should not change that fact. The August indoor meeting has been changed to try out the new facility: Friday, August 12, 2016, NC State Crafts Center (Basement of Thompson Hall). 7:30-9:30pm.
The club is volunteering at the annual Stargazing in the Museum Park event at the NC Museum of Art. We are at 12 volunteers but the more the merrier! This is a well attended event and one we look especially forward to each year!!
Secretary: Matt Lochansky