At the RAC Indoor meeting on June 23, 2016 a constitutional amendment was motioned, seconded, and the motion was carried on a unanimous vote. The amendment now has to be voted on by the club as a whole. Voting is permitted online – you will see the form below. Voting will be open until July 27, 2016. After that time, votes will be tallied and formally cast (similar to absentee ballots) on July 28, 2016 at the next RAC Indoor meeting. Each member may only cast their vote once – either online or at the next meeting. Family memberships get two votes (only one vote per user account on the website).
You must be logged in to vote!
In 2014 the club amended the constitution to limit officers to 3 consecutive terms (3 years). However, no mechanism was left in place to allow the membership to retain an officer for longer, if desired. This amendment would allow the club, by 2/3 majority at a meeting, to allow a member to be nominated to hold office. This process could be repeated each year.
The current constitution can be found here:
Proposed Language:
Section 5. Limitations of Office‑Holding. No officer shall simultaneously hold more than one elected office. No member shall be an officer for more than three terms consecutively. Exceptions to the term limit can be approved at a regular meeting by voting eligible members by a two-thirds vote, a quorum voting, on a year by year basis.
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